We're sorry you're having trouble accessing Halide. To save you time, this page lists the steps that solve 99% of all purchase problems. If this doesn't work, there is a link to email support at the bottom of this page.
1. Tap "Restore Purchases" on the Payment Screen
This can take a few seconds to complete, or longer on a spotty internet connection.
If that doesn't solve things…
2. Make Sure You Are Signed into the Correct Apple ID
When people can't restore purchases, we have found it is usually because the person accidentally signed into an Apple ID that was different than the Apple ID that originally bought Halide. This can easily happen when you buy a new phone, or restored your iPhone from a backup.
First, locate the App Store receipt in your inbox.
We recommend searching your emails for the original receipt. The sender is "no_reply@email.apple.com," with a subject, "Your receipt from Apple."
When you find the receipt, write down the email address listed under the "Apple ID" field.
Now we'll compare that to the Apple ID in iPhone Settings. Open the Settings app on your iPhone.
Tap the first item, which shows "Apple ID, iCloud, Media & Purchases."
Next tap "Media and Purchases."
In the next screen, look at the email address listed in the first field.
3. Delete Halide and Redownload it from the App Store
Delete Halide and redownload it from the App Store page. Do not restore Halide from a backup. Relaunch it, and try "Restore Purchases again." If that still doesn't help…
Support can Help.
If none of the previous steps helped, support would like to investigate further. Please email support@lux.camera, and we'll get right on it.